Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Como Estes Amigo!

Holy super duperly cow! I can't really remember when was the last time I blogged!! But one thing I surely remembered was that I've never blog for a very long time now. Wait, was there a different in what I've just said? Maybe not. Anyway, I actually miss blogging cuz this would allow me to express myself freely without having to hold back any of my thoughts. So, as a head start, I would just give a brief update about myself on what has gone down this past couple of months.

Firstly, I began my industrial training in automation whereby I've gone through almost every technical aspect of it. Please don't get yourself confused by the word automation cuz automation is everything about a system being automated. It differs from automotive and I got to say that I've learn a lot here and it's gonna bring me way beyond expectations. The knowledge gained here are priceless, as trainers are from various companies sharing their experiences here. I'm also being exposed to how things would be in a real situation and had many questions answered.

Alright, the core module in this training is PLC (programmable Logic Controller), SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisiton), HMI (Human Machine Interface), Electrical Systems & Sensors, Electrical Control of Fluid Power (Hydraulics and Pneumatics), and AutoCad. I also went through soft skills training such as MS Project, Business Presentation, 5s, 7 QC Tools, 6 Sigma, Poka Yoke, VB, and Power Interview. Yeah, tell me about it. There are more to it. If you are into those above or even have a potentially good opportunity for me, do let me know. We could talk about it over a coffee or something.

Secondly, I'm enjoying most of what I'm currently doing. The group of colleague I met here were friendly, helpful and what else more, fun! I can still remember how day one went whereby everyone was a little tense due to the new environment adaptation. Well, what do you know!? Past second week into the training, we knew each other like we grew up together and we go to work everyday as though we own that place. That is why they purposely schedule a boot camp on the very first day. It's sort of a team building cum ice breaking. Here, I was required to work in various groups on different activities. Very mind opening and best part of all, I enjoyed it!

Thirdly, places to eat are pretty limited as there are only 4 Malay and 1 Indian restaurant. Not that I have a problem with it, just that it lacks of variety as all of them are mostly hot and spicy food and looks just the same. There's a Tesco nearby though, but I seldom go there cuz I'll sweat like a pig walking there under the hot sun. Can you believe I used that as an excuse not to eat there? LoL! Even I myself can't believe it. Oh oh and another reason was because I ate breakfast most of the time, hence skipping lunch. I'll break for tea time and have some kuih muihs though.

The recent fasting month was the worst period ever! I only had mamak to choose. Wait, I had not choice but to eat at the mamak. I was quite a loyal customer larr to that mamak till I cannot tahan seeing things like roti canai and Indian curries already. Then I started to see a point walking to the Tesco food court. Never regretted a single bit though I have to be showered in sweat resulting from eating and walking there. Sometimes I bring my own lunch. It wasn't too long before I went back to my old eating habits after the fasting month. At times, I'll eat just because my stomach is grumbling and not something I look forward to.

Finally, I'll be done with training in Jan 2008 and by then will I know where I will be attached to. Time really flies, so does my training period. Guess that's all for now as I promised a brief update and not a long story. For those who read my blog and hasn't been keeping in touch in a while now, please do so. I'll be more than glad to hear from you. Others are welcome too =) TTFN.

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