Monday, July 16, 2007

There Goes My Chances

Alright, so I had my chance for the interview with Intel. Problem was, I would only be able to know the outcome earliest in 1 week time. On the other hand, I have to start my industrial training at Shah Alam on July 16, 2007 cuz I've already had an offer. The problem was, I had to sign a contract, which leaves me no choice but to accept the offer because I do not know the outcome of the Intel interview. How I wished the time frame between the Intel interview and day I had to accept the industrial training offer, weren't that short. Guess the interview outcome with Intel doesn't matter anymore as I had signed the contract. I can't believe 2007 had been such a pain in the ass to me because things weren't destined to be right from the begining, but, I won't succumb to that fact cuz I'm an optimistic person and always look forward to a better day. They say that after bad things happens, good things will come next. Hope that day will be in a great surprise for me. I felt really excited to start my 9-5s especially after a long "break".

Happy Birthday JOWEE!!! Btw, JOWEE was my housemate in Michigan while we were studying at Western and is my uncle nine now.. hehehe.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Going Up North

Alright, so I'll be going up north to day, heading towards Kulim. That's right! I'll be having an interview with Intel on Friday morning. Right now, I am quite nervous and excited to seal the deal. Actually I've already gotten an offer in Shah Alam, but only need to report on the July 16. Legally speaking, I'm still not bonded to it yet till I put ink on paper. So, right now I'm hoping that I could get on the offer on the spot after the interview. I know I'm being unreasonable, but I'm also being optimistic =) Chances might be low, but I'm just trying my luck cuz If I never try, the percentage of success is 0%, but if I try, the percentage of success would be 50%. That is why I always believe in this theory. Guess, now it's all up to me to excel in the interview. Wish me luck.

Happy Birthday to me!!! Can I have my presents now? =)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

4th of July

Can you believe that the United States had just celebrated the 231st independence day? On this very day, 231 years ago, the United States had declared independence from the Great Britain. Oh my, how time really flies and I'm almost a quarter of a century now. You must be wondering why is 4th of July significant to me. Well, I would say that because I've been in the United States for 4 years and I did enjoyed every moment that I've spent there. The United States had gave me a chance to understand a whole new culture and to experience what is it like to live life at GMT-05:00. It's an experience that money can't buy. Though I've been there for 4 years, I know I still had alot to learn about the United States and many grounds to cover.

What I miss most on this day was the airshows, the parades, the fireworks, the BBQ and the environment. The celebrations are always grand and wouldn't be complete without the fireworks and the grills. Last 2 years, I was at the BattleCreek Airshow and was at St. Joseph beach firing up the grill for a sumptuous BBQ endeavour last year. Though I'm back in Malaysia this year but, there's always a part of America in me and in my heart. I wish that one day I can own a mansion along the coastal beach of California because it's one of the most beautiful places in the world I've been to.

Happy 231st Independence Day fellow Americans.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Blog Transition

Currently I'm in the brink of changing my blogging site back to Blogger. Firstly, got hacked and I can't save it. Secondly, I no longer have a credit card to maintain that domain name. Finally, I don't have to worry about anything else concerning my blogging account cuz in Blogger, everything is taken care of.

Right now I'm reviving my blogger account and rename some stuffs such as the domain name from to I've also removed all previous post because it was the past and I'm looking forward to a brand new start. I am zero-rizing everything, and my blogger account will be a head start. Hope that you'll come back and visit spectrum69 once in a while to see how am I kicking, alright!? Till then, have a pleasant day and a good kick start to a brand new Monday.
