Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dead Ends

Have you ever encountered one? You bet. Not only in driving can a person encountered dead ends. It sure sucks to meet dead ends. It sucks cuz your journey ahead comes to a complete halt when everything seems to ride smooth. It sucks cuz you took a 180 degree free fall when you are riding high. It sucks cuz your hope turns into despair. It sucks cuz everything you plan, turned out the other way. It sucks cuz when you are shouting your lungs out, no one can hear you.

Imagine a person driving you crazy when you try to tell them that they are heading towards a dead end, yet they can afford to ignore you completely. Not only that. They accelerate into it. I don't have a single clue on what are their brains made of. This kind of people really impresses me only the other way round.

In my situation, a dead end is encountered when I try to make a very reasonable and feasible solution to a problem, it becomes another problem. I know it is not my problem but, when it involves my love ones, trust me, it is still my problem. I am always seen as immature by him. I would agree on certain occasion but not as always. The problem with him is, he always thinks that he is right. Even when he is wrong, he still thinks otherwise. You know what is a cow? Enough said.

You may think, big deal cuz he's the man. But let me tell you something. Living it for a day or two is alright. Try living it for 26 years. I tell you it is just full of crap. I am so darn tired and sick of it. Right now I'm just completely ignoring it and moving on with my life. When time needs me to open my mouth, I will. Either than that, I'll just treat it like nothing has happened.

2008 has been great, but I'm so looking forward to 2009.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Out of Town For Cousin's Wedding

I will be away this weekend for my cousin's wedding in Sg. Petani. This cousin of mine, is the only boy and also the youngest in the family. He has 6 sisters and all of them are married. Talking about having six sisters. Can you guess how many nieces and nephews he has? It is more than what your fingers could count. You may say 10 is pretty decent cuz six multiply by two gives you at least 12, right? I've seen their family photos, and they can form a football team with substitutes and reserves. Now that is huge!!! Imagine when they will be going for this wedding dinner? They will easily occupy up two tables!!! Now that is huge!!! What about transporting them to the dinner? Couple of cars or perhaps 2 vans? Now that is huge!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Early Christmas Surprise (ECS, that right!)

Alright, so my buddy-cum-ex roomate, Wilson Ngu is coming back to KL for this Christmas holiday. I was really glad and excited when he broke the news to me cuz the time when we last met was during the LAS VEGAS trip in DEC 2006. That was one heckuva trip cuz we drove from SJC to LV for about 12 hrs one way (including rest stop, Mc. Donalds and etc.). Well, technically he drove but I assisted him in navigation (the GPS did most of the job tho). By the end of our trip, we started to speak like the navigator. "Yeah..... Yes....." (only Wilson and I knows it). Anyway, I was looking forward to his arrival at KLIA or LCCT. At the mean time, I wrote him an email about getting something there for me. So, here it is....
Well, over here, I was trying to apply my fifty-zero theory again whereby if I ask, my chances of getting it is 50%. If I just keep it to myself, I'll never get it. This theory seems to work and my 50% chance turned into 100% reality. Thanks again Wilson. A good friend like him is hard to come by (not just because he is bringing back stuffs for me ok). If you know him personally, you will know what I'm talking about. The reason why I asked him to bring it back from halfway across the globe is because there isn't any Old Navy here. Moreover, their range of clothings are really comfortable and affordable. 

With this, I would like to end with a special thanks to Wilson again. I will ensure that your trip back to KL be a priceless and memorable one. It'll be so memorable that you wouldn't want to go back to the land of where an African American is made the President.    

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nikon D80 Digital SLR Camera

What a glorious moment to finally have this piece of technology in the hands of mind. Well, carpet (literally). I've been longing for a DSLR camera or at least a camera that can do a better job than a regular digital camera. The NIKON D80 was it (could be better cuz there was a budget constraint). I still like it very much.   
Actually I love Canon cameras a lot. They were like my number one choice in providing the best digital pictures. So why Nikon? Well, I was "over exposed" to the fact that Nikon DSLR camera does a magnificent job. Not only that. I had couple of experience with the Nikon SLRs and I like the way it is. You see the problem is, when you like something, you want it. Not only want it, but the exact same one that you first laid your eyes on (only a dumba$$ will literally put their eyes on it). Anyway, do you know how it goes when you like something or someone? Let's look at an analogy here. 


Cameras are closely related to a girl. When you first meet a girl, you will have your own impressions about her. So, it turned out to be a good one, you want to get to know her and better more, be her friend. You take her out for a dinner, a movie, a stroll in the park, or maybe surprise her with one of your lame @$$ old school surprises. You will just sneak up to her music class just to catch a glance of her even though you still have 101 things to do. Once you get into the comfy zon and know each other better, you would want to take it to the next level cuz she becomes more appealing to you over time and you know she's the one. Once you had your eyes, heart and mind locked onto her, every other girl appears invincible to you (not applied to crocodile breed), am I right? Similar to a camera. 

At the first glance, it will look just so-so or "big deal, it's just another camera". Look at it couple more times, you became attracted to it cuz the design is slick and very appealing to the eyes. You would go to Fotokem, Foto Shangri-la, or just to check it out and to learn more about its capabilities and functions. You look at the works of a Nikon camera and now you want to get your hands on it cuz you suddenly want to be a photo journalist. You will borrow it from your friends, or work place to use it at birthday parties, wedding dinner or even on a family vacation. Now what? You want to take it completely to the next level. You want to own it cuz everything seems to be perfect. What about Canon EOS DSLR or Sony ALpha cameras? F*** em. I Love my Nikon. 


Well, that doesn't mean Canon and Sony cameras are no good. They are not only good, they are fantastic (especially Canon). I own 3 canon digital cameras, S400, SD630 and SD750.  S400 is completely busted and same goes to the SD630 due to flash flood. The lens is blurred and it takes a retail price to repair it. So screw it. The current SD750 which in my opinion is not as good as the SD630 because the resolution somehow looks bad when in not so bright areas and the flash over expose the pictures. So in the end, it boils down to which camera we are more comfortable and used to. 

Here's what I got in the end..... 

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Spring of 2008

Yeap, it may not be spring right now but it definitely is for me. Waking up to blogging again just makes it feels like spring in September. For the past 1 year plus, I had been really caught up with work and barely had the time to even look at my blog. Well, at first it was really due to work but after that it was pure laze. Guess what? Those days will soon come to an end.

I've decided to post regularly and heck I'll just write something that I've eaten, how the weather was, or even why I'm not updating my blog. Yeah, I would update my blog for not being able to update it. Good thinking. Right now I'll just post a mini update cum useless things just to get the feel and flow of writing again.

First of all, I'm feeling good cuz I no longer live the 8am-6pm (most of the time past 6pm) life. I'm currently in the energy business. So what is this energy business all about? Am I a chargeman? or maybe am I the major share holder of TNB (because I no longer have a fix working hour)? Nope. I'm in a business whereby energy healing would be the medicine of the future. It is something that you don't have to consume yet you will be able to enjoy tremendous health benefits beyond your knowledge and expectations. I would write more about it later.

Second, I am able to see and take care of my parents more. Recalling back my 8am-6pm days, I don't even get to see them very often cuz I would already be in bed when they come back, and I will be out early in the morning while they are still asleep. They too travel out of town occasionally. This is not good cuz I won't be able to know what's going on with them or their well beings. Sometimes at work or while I'm driving, I will be thinking about them. So, yeah.

Third, I was motivated to continue blogging after screening through the web blogs of many famous bloggers especially He is no longer a stranger in the blog sphere. Unlike which is full of dramas and nonsensicle stuffs, his blog is what I would say, entertaining and sometime informative. Checking out his web blog would be like checking for news updates, for the latest 4D results or for match results (in my case). His blog is potentially addictive and may cause a serious tummy cramps due to excessive humour.

Anyway, my purpose here is to encourage people to read my blog too so that they can either learn a thing or 2 about me, or get a daily dose of "you just made my day" kinda thing.

Is there a fourth? Yeah, maybe but I'm getting tired now cuz it is close to 4am now.